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Amazing Grace


Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, oh how sweet the sound
That saved a wreck like me
I once was lost, though now I’m found
I was blind, but now I see
When we’ve been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Then when, when we first begun
Too many ages false and spent
I have already hung
This face and flock He saved us by
His endless grace will leave me whole
Amazing grace, oh how sweet the sound
To save a wreck like me

I once was lost, but now I’m found
I was blind, but now I see

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شاعر و آهنگساز: William J- Gaither – Elvis Presley

تاریخ ضبط: 1971/03/15

این ترانه در تاریخ 15 مارس 1971 ضبط گردید و در آلبومی به نام   He Touched Me منتشر شد.


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Number of Entries : 1216
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