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A Cane and a High Starched Collar


A Cane and a High Starched Collar

Cowboy, cowboy marry me
I’ll bake you a cherry pie
Well thank you very kindly mam
But I’m too young to die

Stay single and save a dollar
Come Saturday night I’ll court a pretty girl
With a cane and a high starched collar

Cowboy if you’ll marry me
I’ll be your darling Jenny
Now why should I drink from just one well
When I can drink from twen’y

Stay single and save a dollar
Come Saturday night I’ll court a pretty girl
With a cane and a high starched collar

Cowboy, cowboy name the day
July ‘d be nice I reckon
Gladly meet you at the church
July the 32nd

Stay single and save a dollar
Come Saturday night I’ll court a pretty girl
With a cane and a high starched collar

You sleep all day and spoon all night
And eat your favorite chow
Then why should I get married mam
That’s what I’m doing now

Stay single and save a dollar
Come Saturday night I’ll court a pretty girl
With a cane and a high starched collar

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شاعر و آهنگساز:  Sid Tepper – Roy C. Bennett

تاریخ ضبط: 1960/08/08

این ترانه در تاریخ 8 آگوست 1960 ضبط گردید و در آلبومی به نام A Legendary Performer Volume 2 منتشر شده است.
همچنین از این ترانه در فیلم الویس به نام Flaming Star استفاده شده است.

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Number of Entries : 1216
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