Wolf Call
Wolf Call
Flip, flop with kay-eye – ? –
What a cutie pie I see
Oops shoopa doo-wah
Lips of honey that’s for me
Shim sham shimmie
I might forget you baby, there’s no doubt
I saw you standing ‘gainst the wall
I whistled and I gave my all
Now don’t tell me you don’t fall
For that wolf call
Just a little kiss’ll put me in a whirl
I’ll never whistle dearie at another girl
You love me well we’ll have a ball
Why do you try to stall
Now don’t tell me you don’t fall
For that wolf call
For that wolf call
For that wolf call
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شاعر و آهنگساز: Giant – Baum -Kaye
تاریخ ضبط: 1964/06/12
این ترانه در تاریخ 12 ژوئن 1964 ضبط گردید و در فیلم الویس به نام Girl Happy استفاده شد.
و در آلبومی به همین نام منتشر شد.
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