The Bullfighter Was A Lady
The Bullfighter Was A Lady
Pedro the bull was a killer
King of the bullfighter ringer
He’d wipe up the floor with each brave matador
And have matador stew for his dinner
He heard the crowd shouting ‘Ol”
But he met his master that day
The bullfighter was a lady
And it was true love at first sight
Her red cape was waving but Pedro was shaking – or shaving? –
He wanted to date her that night
Pedro the bull he was smitten
First time the love bug had bitten
He once was a mad bull, a wild and a bad bull
But now he was mild as a kitten
The people were starting to hiss
But Pedro just wanted to kiss
The bullfighter was a lady
And Pedro he liked what he saw
He floated on air with a rose in his hair
As he waltzed with that sweet matador
His fate was a bad one, his tale is a sad one
It’s hanging right over her door
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شاعر و آهنگساز: Sid Tepper – Roy C. Bennett
تاریخ ضبط: 1963/01/22
این ترانه در تاریخ 22 ژانویه 1963 ضبط گردید و در فیلم الویس به نام Fun In Acapulco استفاده شد.
و در آلبومی به همین نام منتشر شد.
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