I Want You With Me
I Want You With Me
When I was little, my mama said to me
‘One day you’ll find a love to last eternally’
I want you with me everywhere I go
So please don’t leave me baby, I love you so
I’ll be the ruler of this whole wide world
If you will only say you’ll be my girl
I want you with me in everything I do
You know I need you baby, I’m in love with you
There is no mountain that I can’t climb
You find the mountain, child, and I’ll find the time
I want you with me, with me night and day
Well, you can make me happy baby, don’t you go away
I’ll swim an ocean with a raging foam
If I know that you’ll be there when I come back home
I want you with me, you know I love you so
Well, I want you with me baby, I’ll never let you go
Well, I want you with me baby, I’ll never let you go
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شاعر و آهنگساز: Woody Harris
تاریخ ضبط: 1961/03/12
این ترانه در تاریخ 12 مارس 1961 ضبط گردیده و در آلبوم Something For Everybody منتشر شد.
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