?How’s the World Treating You
?How’s the World Treating You
I’ve had nothing but sorrow
Since you said we were through
There’s no hope for tomorrow
How’s the world treating you?
Every sweet thing that mattered
Has been broken in two
All my dreams have been shattered
How’s the world treating you?
Got no plans for next Sunday
Got no plans for today
Every day is blue Monday
Every day you’re away
Every sweet thing that mattered
How’s the world treating you?
And I’m asking you darling
How’s the world treating you?
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شاعر و آهنگساز: Atkins – Bryant
تاریخ ضبط: 1956/09/01
این ترانه در تاریخ 1 سپتامبر 1956 ضبط گردید و در آلبوم Elvis منتشر گردید.
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